why did my ex treat me so badly

Don’t try to get her attention. Your ex might not tell you flat out that he or she feels bad about what happened, but actions will always speak louder than words. Guilt is one of the heaviest emotions a person can carry, and it doesn’t just disappear overnight. It has a nasty habit of creeping in as time goes on and setting up shop. Answer (1 of 2): Your ex never loved you. I had avoided it for a few weeks, but I couldn’t run forever. The Straight-Up Truth of Why They Treat You Like Crap ... We met on tinder in 2017. Well, there are various possibilities for this. Below are 4 helpful tips for how to respond when someone treats you badly – so you teach this person that you won’t accept their negative behavior. I was just speaking with a coachee who came to me saying, “I don’t understand. Someone else’s … After the brake up we still talked and text every day. i've been in strict NC for over 12 weeks and everynight i miss her. It was so heartbreaking. So in order to get the space they want and the breakup they want, your ex will try to make you an enemy since they feel that going the other route didn’t work. So hard to understand why someone i loved so much treated me so poorly and why i put up with it for so long and why its so hard to let it go. I get full of anger and sadness to why he treated me so badly, and still live under his invisible power of mind games and that “i was mean” and the smallest thing i did wrong i was punished for in astronomical proportions. You Don't Miss Him, You Miss the Idea of Who You Wanted Him to Be. I’d want more details because there’s usually a pretty clear reason once you dig... Do we let them? Little of such things has to do with you but with the person who is treating you poorly. The magic of abusive relationships is how the perpetrator... I understand my mom’s reasoning but now it’s all I can think of and I’m going to obsess over this. Ex Might Put You Through After a Break More, please." I married young and had 4 children. Questions, such as “Did my ex ever love me, did our relationship mean nothing to my ex, how was my ex able to leave so easily” cross our mind. The last thing you want to do is make things worse. But before I get to that reason, don’t send her anymore texts. Why Is He Ignoring Me All Of my ex treated me horrible, she said alot of mean things and even tried to pick up guys right in front of me after we broke up to make me jealous. Vol. I have a hard time being friends toward people a lot of time they seem to give me attitude and I do not think that I have done anything wrong but mind my own business. Vol. Why Do I Miss Him Women Do After 4. So, if you are settling for someone's poor treatment or halfway efforts, you are silently telling them, "Thank you. Your ex is really torn. And I felt like I was a millionaire because he is my perfect baby boy . Stop wondering: why does my boyfriend hate me, and start showing him who’s boss! Indeed, when many relationships end, there will be a level of bitterness on at least one party’s side. Your best move…Just don’t contact your ex at all. You can’t force them to do anything else. I am having a time with it actually. Tagged as: The ex-factor << Previous question Next question >> Question - (30 June 2010) 4 Answers - (Newest, 30 June 2010) A female age 30-35, anonymous writes: My ex boyfriend was very abusive to me. Your ex saw you as a doormat. 9 Things You Need To Do When Someone Treats You Badly In A ... I felt so crappy that it took me a few weeks to build up the nerve to admit what I had done. Comfort is a very valuable thing to get if you are expecting your first child.From this article you can see, how to know if your man loves you quiz these you can purchase online and take at home to verify maternity are good for many factors. It is easy to miss the things we do, and it is easy for others to miss the things they do to you. I have an ex too, who treated me like crap, but h... I love others with all my heart, then they take my heart away. Women are so tolerant and instead of letting go of a man who is not really good enough for you, you embark on a … Maybe even love. My ex husband lives with them and he’s also a heavy drinker. Here's the harsh truth: People can only treat you in ways you allow. He never apologized for lying to me. My boyfriend and I had a beautiful baby girl a little over a year ago. Why did my ex treat me so badly but he's so good to his new g/f? I am just waiting on the day she finally leaves my home so i can really know that im free. You are your own person. The truth is, there’s a reason she’s doing this. By this point, the pain of the breakup really started to hit me hard. If your ex treated you badly and now wants you back, it’s because a lot has happened since the breakup. However, there are certain situations which can lead to a husband being unresponsive and uncaring. That hurt me so bad bc he told me he wanted nothing to do with her. selfish. During the relationship i did treat her like an angel so to say she broke up with me … both of them pretend as if they don't remember anything but I STILL DO. Then 1 day he stopped texting me and wouldn’t reply bk to my texts. And he is willing to look past the way they treated him in hopes that they look past the way he treated you. Someone to have sexual acts with to satiate their selfish needs. It was painful for both of you because there really was chemistry and connection between you. Some tips to help with this: 1. It is not most people’s intention to cause pain and suffering to the person they had developed a relationship with. This is how I want you to treat me, and I like it. The guy I cheated with never spoke to me again because he felt so bad for contributing to the ending of my marriage. But take my example as a sign of a messed up point of view. It is likely you are making it worse by repeatedly Treats me terrible. No one wants to be thought of as the “bad guy” who goes and inflicts pain on someone else. Your ex just like mine is using them for validation. We live in a very nice home, and my career as a freelance writer is slowly moving forward after I took some time off to be with my daughter. ... and if the son didn’t want his dad to be here with me then my ex would say ok let’s go stay at grandmas house.. ... he would not leave me and should have contacted me as he knows my condition, was crying badly. So hard to understand why someone i loved so much treated me so poorly and why i put up with it for so long and why its so hard to let it go. “Why is my ex girlfriend acting cold towards me?” Your ex girlfriend is acting cold and distant towards you and it’s driving you crazy. Then we are mostly silent to each other on the ride home. 3: Your Ex Wants To Hurt You. Pointer #1 – Don’t Contact Your Ex. This might sound totally bizarre, but it’s actually relatively common. After my oldest granddaughter was born my son started to be physically abusive to me. He uses the girls as a way to hurt me. You already know that fact. I left him because he cheated on me when I was pregnant. He might then think to himself, “I don’t understand why my ex is being so mean to me. My kids have very few rules, but the rules they have are hard and fast. Even though you may be thinking, “I want my ex back so bad”, do not come up with elaborate plots and schemes to make her jealous. I feel so bad for my son. Delete Him From Her Life She’s treating me like dirt. Fear of being alone is a huge reason for the pain after a break-up as loneliness can be tricky to deal with. My story about what was making me unhappy was not that different from yours: I felt so grateful and so whiny and so ashamed at the same time. I am just waiting on the day she finally leaves my home so i can really know that im free. And the sad thing is they usually do look past their shit. In the same way that I don’t allow dairy into my life because I’m lactose intolerant, I tell myself that I don’t allow toxic peopleinto my life because I am “allergic” to toxic people – and need to live in a “toxic free zone.” I remind myself that my emotional health is equally important as my physical h… What makes you think he'd be nice if you were pregnant?" Your boyfriend might hate you for not being exactly how he pictures you in his mind, and that’s his issue! But he still has such mean anger towards me. So he cut me off but he does call me private he called me 23 times one night. He had told our son that he hopes I die from covid and calls me all kinds of names constantly and his wife is a part of it also. All of it. 2. I did not let my emotions control the situation. The reason why so many modern men go down that route is largely due to the way that “happy marriages” are portrayed on TV and in the movies. So then we just started talking as friends for about 2 months every now and then because we both still care about each other. Every.Single.Time you play happy clapper friends with an ex that mistreated you, you’re saying I love you more than I love myself and you didn’t actually treat me as badly as you know or I know you did, because if you did, there’s no way in hell I should be giving you the time of day let alone anything else. I was a very bright kid in studies. Enemies lead separate lives and avoid interacting with each other. She will then be all back in love with me and treat me like she loves me just like those earlier years. do i want my ex back test. Make a belief that you deserve a better man in your life than your ex. Plus, start writing down the definition of love. Instead of thinking, he treats me badly, but I still want him, focus on reclaiming your power. Do not look back. Never focus on what he is doing. In other words, you don’t have to walk on eggshells with him or her. probably because he is an abuser and it is what abusers do because abuse is the issue they can either get attracted to abusers or will attract some... The people they treat good who treated them bad. He wants to paint you as less than perfect. But, I got no response. The ex husband is going through a divorce and living with my narc daughter. Sheesh I barely got over the love of my life. He is remarried now. All the time you are wondering in the back of your mind did I do something to make my ex boyfriend break up with me. So I explained why I did that and he said he understand. Thanks for this website. I know when a man treats you badly, you shouldn’t put up with it. All I can say is that it was horrible. I feel so bad for my son. So here are the five things I’ve learned from my past failed relationship. Lack of dominance. Why do I miss him so much? So, if your ex STILL treats you badly or disrespects you in any way, you tell him that that is unacceptable. Why did my ex treat me so badly Why Do I Miss My Ex Boyfriend When He Treated Me So Ba . I did nothing to him to deserve it. Someone who they could control and manipulate. Dear Polly, I am a 32-year-old woman who has been very lucky in life. I did so much for him! In essence, you give permission and imbue people with knowledge of how you want to be treated. Is it bad to consider a revenge?" The only person you can control is you. Don't look back. I am more emotionally attuned to the other person than I am to my own self. I trauma bonded with him as a consequence, and now after the final discard I’m re-living the abuse. he had a problem with alcohol when he would drink he would become a totally different person. Why did my ex treat me so bad after we reconnected? GOod and bad. It has really helped me. Of course, not every breakup is a simple one. One way to quiet that voice is to attempt to make your spouse out to be the bad guy. So sometimes when he is mean to you, this is his way of distancing himself. I left him because he cheated on me when I was pregnant. This is also another reason that your ex will treat you meanly or cruelly – because they see you in that light and feel that the only thing that you understand and respond to is meanness and cold interactions. The final step after that is for your ex to ghost you and possibly hate you. My wife treats me like crap when ever we are around other people so I will eventually distance myself from her at parties and get togethers. I overvalue the relationship at the expense of my dignity. I have to do something about this. 1. Because he was mommy's little .and I was so very happy to be his mummy . There are still feelings in the air in such a friends with benefits situation, and often times one or both parties can fall for each other again. Your boyfriend treats you so badly, because of one reason and one reason only: he's self consumed a.k.a. 18. This can certainly be an issue with getting back with an ex, old problems tend to arise and old arguments come back up to the surface. He has bad mouthed me so much that his wife says awful things about me to my granddaughters. If i could just forget all the horrible things she has done to me. But he still has such mean anger towards me. First and foremost of course it may be that your husband is just an unfeeling and … But not all breakups are created equal. It’s just that the situation has changed—and so have feelings. One of most common mistakes that men make in a marriage is to believe that the way to a happy marriage is to let his wife “take charge” and effectively “rule the roost.”. You can usually tell an ex is dealing with conflicted feelings by how they go back and forth. Well, now things are about to make wayyyyy more sense… I ran across this and knew I had to share. So he texts me one day and asks me if I would like to meet for dinner at the Diner. It’s highly likely that he got depressed, rejected, scared, or nostalgic and felt that the only … Read more You’ve seen him at parties or run into… Their purpose or motive for the way that they treat you is actually about what serves them much … 1. I do say that my son still loves me and has told me that he understands now why i had to do what i did just to save myself, he is the one bright light and hope in my life. The problem with an ex hating you is it’s so easy for them to have such a strong negative reaction toward you simply because they once had strong positive feelings for you. Maybe if I’m even nicer to her from now on, she’ll stop being so mean and she’ll see that I’m a good guy. I was in a lot of pain and blaming my ex-wife in the immediate aftermath of her leaving. My ex was my world, and I wanted to be in a relationship with her. A lot went wrong on your ex’s end that made him look at the relationship from a different perspective. What makes you think he'd treat you better if you were his wife? This jerk does not deserve you. 1. Till today those words still haunt me, those abusive names still haunt me.I always loved my parents a lot and they have no reason for them to treat me like this.Now after so many years when i ask my mother why did you do all of this to me? Most women believe that they can change a guy who cheated on them or treated them badly. The longer it’s been this way, the harder it will be for him to accept the … Treats me terrible. I thought he was so different. Here's the harsh truth: People can only treat you in ways you allow. The best way to let a guy know he cannot treat you badly is to walk away. You go to a corner, sit quietly and ask yourself this question “ Do I deserve this crapp? “ If ‘No’, then in a dignified manner you move away from... I have to do something about this. If I say something he doesn’t like I can’t see them. So this tendency to get pulled back in makes it difficult to forget your ex and break out of the negative breakup cycle where you separate…..then get back together gain….then he hurts you again leading you to breakup once more. Even though I needed to address my underlying emotions and unmet desires, I didn’t even believe I deserved what I had, so I was terrible at asking for what I really needed. So even if your ex boyfriend cheated on you, lied, betrayed you, or hurt you in some other way, you’re experiencing the pain of heartbreak because you had such high hopes for this relationship. Why is my ex acting like we never dated? If he argues, ditch him. I have tried so hard to let things go and pick my battles. I want him to feel bad for hurting me. He was cruel when your grandfather died. On one hand, they felt compelled to leave the relationship for one reason or another. Learn a lesson from this. Realize you cannot control other people. He honestly cares more about himself then he cares about you. He treats me badly but I am not sure if I should leave because of the kids and we have so much history. My ex-husband still hates me after 9 years of divorce. She also asked my Mom not to tell me so as not to ruin the remainder of my trip but Mom didn’t want to keep secrets from me. I’m gonna list all the things that made me feel terrible, but first let me give a brief description of our relationship. Why do men treat us badly. Why do I miss my ex who treated me so badly? My husband treats me bad and seems totally disgusted me. Been in strict NC for over 12 weeks and everynight I miss her cares more about then... He called me 23 times one night I dont deserve him becasue his was. Things worse the situation has changed—and so have feelings pick my battles me off but he still such... ’ ve endured many times in my life and he is mean to you, it ’ s.! 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why did my ex treat me so badly