the tone of this passage can be described as

The organization of the passage can best be described as (A) personal narrative followed by analysis (B) empirical data followed by conjecture (C) nonjudgmental explanation of a current phenomenon followed by a question (D) descriptive analysis followed by a final judgment (E) condemnation of a practice followed by partial acceptance Q. c. sympathetic. Q&A Essays: Carefully reread the passage write an essay ... The overall tone of the short story "The Story of an Hour ... 2) C. 3) D. 4) E. 5) B. Ans: Option 3. 155 Words To Describe An Author's Tone - Writers Write The topic on tone was amazing.Kindly can you give the same on attitude and mood. Here we have provided variety of questions from verbal ability section on Reading comprehension. PDF Author'S Tone Tone in literature refers to the author's attitude toward a certain topic. The still tone of the scene depicting Bob quietly thinking and re-accepting his son's death before going back downstairs is a depressive one that fills readers with sadness. The tone of this passage can be described as --A) optimistic B) formal C) serious D) critical E) sympathetic Answer Key Passage 1 1. Every weekend, my friends from school and I would meet up at the local. PDF Advanced Placement English Language and Composition A. Harsh and strident. d. disillusioned. A writer can convey his attitude directly, by stating his opinion, or indirectly, through his choice of vocabulary and . Basically, if there's an attitude out there, an author can write with it. The tone of the article, essay, story, poem, novel, screenplay, or any other written work can be described in many ways. The mood of this passage could be described as sad, sympathetic, or frustrated. You may also be asked to identify the tone of the passage or the perspective of the author based on his or her words. The author's attitude toward the subject he/she is writing about. The tone of any given passage is the author's emotion or feeling, usually towards his subject. funny. We see this in slamming, angry, poor, and old. A. even though B. so C . A. pleading. The author's attitude toward refurbished electronics might best be described as…. Narration . Correct Answer: G. Explanation: The passage focuses on the technology around us that often goes unappreciated, ultimately warning us that our unrealistic faith in technology may lead us into global climate trouble. The sun was bright and the sky was clear. The tone of the excerpt above can best be described as _____. the tone of the passage can be described as. You may refer to the passages as often as necessary. The correct choice is C. The sentence signals description. emphasize the magnitude of the narrator's ordeal. B. emotional and esoteric. B. lamenting. The tone of the passage can most accurately be described as. Between these two points, the tone shifts constantly and uneasily. Choose the answer that best completes the sentence below. Your Answer Options. The tone of the passage can be described as a. funny identify the historical period in which the narrator lived. B) Sarcastically humorous. b. boastful. d) argumentative. This is the most heartbreaking and somber tone in the novel as Scrooge witnesses firsthand that his bitterness will cause the death of Bob's child. The tone of the passage can best be described as: (A) irreverent and sarcastic (B) moralistic and restrained (C) sentimental and poignant (D) contentious and irate (E) thoughtful and jocular Passage 4d: Charles Lamb, The Two Races of Men The human species, according to the best theory I can form of it, is composed of two distinct races, the men . Add your answer and earn points. 120 seconds . According to the passage, today's modern family most resembles that found in. It does not indicate parts to be analyzed, explanations of the standards of measurements, classifications of these weights and measurements, or an . The tone of this passage can be described as A. assured. d) proud. (a) Flippant (b) Whimsical (c) Pretentious (d) Satirical (e) Contemptuous. E. Ironically sarcastic to negative Your Answer Options. (Shakespeare) The tone of the passage can best be described as. There is nothing That you cannot you do Because you are unbeatable. Explanation: 3. Report an issue . While the author does talk about a Civil War or a return . Paragraphs are as follows: A wide term used for mercy killing is "Euthanasia" —taking the life of a hopelessly ill or injured individual in order to end his or her suffering. Option (D) can be easily ruled out as the author does not seem optimistic about a stable and prosperous Iraq and favors the withdrawal of the United States only to avert an even bigger disaster. nostalgic candid desperate 1 See answer dukodeath6 is waiting for your help. DIRECTIONS: Each passage is followed by several questions. There are questions on Reading comprehension under Verbal section in various entrance and competitive exams. Author's purpose answer options often incorporate the following vocabulary words: analyze, compare, contrast, critique, evaluate, examine, D. emphatic. E. humorous and detached. c) outdated. Since the author of the passage above does not beg the reader to do anything, (A) is incorrect. 16. The author's tone in the passage as a whole is best described as. The tempest, or storm, that opens the play plunges the audience into chaos. b) conniving. 1. Here, the c) persuasive. regretful. illustrate the narrator's desire to learn watch repair. D. thought-provoking and satiric. The tone of the passage can be characterized by the constant justification of the work and by the knowledge that some or many reads may not like the poems. SURVEY. Questions 14-23. E. empathetic. The tone of the passage can best be described as. The author's tone throughout the passage can best be described as: frantic. The author's tone throughout the passage can best be - 20599471 dukodeath6 dukodeath6 3 weeks ago English High School 2. The author's attitude toward school uniforms might best be described as… Passage 1 and Passage 2 share a general tone of…. Most style or tone questions will include the words "attitude," "tone," "style," "feeling," etc. According to Document C, a document is saved each time . The tone of the writing throughout the passage can be described as A. frantic, or hurried B. relaxed and smooth C. suspenseful and unusual D. exhilarating, or exciting 7. The writer's tone will illustrate various feelings or emotions, and the reader will develop those emotions and process them in the form of their own mood. D. erudite and exhortative. 3. admiring. 3) According to the passage, Monet moved to Paris in 1859 to A. join the Impressionism movement B. paint cathedrals C. become a professional artist D. build an elaborate garden 4) The tone of the passage can best be described as A. factual B. passionate C. clever D. adoring Dear Editor, Yesterday, the local Toll Road Committee decided to raise the cost of the toll roads by 35 percent. Critical and Cynical: Critical tone often describes a fault-finding attitude of the author; in a negative sense. If only I didn't care so much what people thought of me at work, then this would not have happened. E) Ironically sarcastic to negative. B&C 2.A 3.D 4.E 5.C Check Your Answers. Answers: 1 Get Other questions on the subject: English. B. sentimental. B. conversational and scholarly. . There is no place That you cannot go Because you are always welcomed. The tone of the passage can be described as. Since this a website whose purpose is helping people improve their writing skills, I feel that you should refrain from ending your sentences with prepositions and use the relative pronoun . One could call the author defensive, as the author is trying to rationalize or justify the poems. Instead of taking my problems out on him, I need to deal directly with the people who create the stress. Through specific word choice, the author reveals their feelings and opinions to the reader, conveying the author's intentions behind the text. . Lincoln's brief but powerful address at Gettysburg in 1863 has a reverent, humble, and fervent tone. B. . The author says in . You will have to judge the tone of the passage by analyzing the style of the passage, the writer's contribution to it, choice of words, and much more. b. regretful. Question 1. A. A. Descriptive to analytical. The tone would be sadness for the old woman or anger for the teenager. shopping. answer choices . 1 In the context of the entire passage, the tone established by line 1 can best be described as (1) indifferent (3) compassionate (2) judgmental (4) admiring 2 The use of flashback in lines 2 through 23 serves to (1) relate Countess Olenska's history (2) describe Newland Archer's ancestry (3) explain Medora Manson's talents A. disdainful. The tone of the passage is best described as (A) scornful and unsympathetic (B) reverent and respectful (C) acerbic and cynical (D) serious but faintly condescending (E) irate but carefully judicious . 1922) In the colder countries of the world, the feathers and down of waterfowl have been in great demand for centuries as filling for beds and . Try understanding the context of the passage, and identify if the usage of a sarcastic tone justifies that. SURVEY . answer choices. A. sarcastic and vituperative. D. disillusioned. Question 10 Explanation: The correct answer is (D). The tone will set up a suspenseful novel, a hopeful opinion piece, or a melancholy poem. For most passages, the author's tone will either be positive, negative, or neutral, depending on whether he is arguing for the topic, arguing against the topic, or . Hence, option (A) can be eliminated. Most style or tone questions will include the words "attitude," "tone," "style," "feeling," etc. c. offensive. what does the lost cabin symbolize for the men in the book? Option (B) is strongly supported in the opening and concluding parts of the passage. I guess the stress from my job has been more than I can handle. C) Objective to narrative. Q.5 - Tone of the Author as expressed in the passage can be best described. The tone of this passage can best be described as a) compassionate b) disapproving. The entire passage revolves around this tone and concludes with the suggestion not to disturb the ecological balance. 438. Men's stiff collars wilted by nine in the morning. D. moralistic and impassioned. The author's understanding of the situation in Iraq shows through . 12. For most passages, the author's tone will either be positive, negative, or neutral, depending on whether the author is arguing . The writer's main purpose is to . As a result of this defined tone in describing the old man's eye, the reader understands the narrator's . Kennedy is making a moral argument: Americans should step up and fight for . The tone of the passage is a. sad. 33. D. apologetic. E. Enthusiastic and optimistic. b. threatening. "Pushy" has a rather negative connotation, meaning the tone is probably critical of whoever is being described as "pushy" rather than a more . Answer: E This passage focuses on Bentham's limited vision and is thus essentially negative (E), although it Tone often reveals itself through narrative details. Ans for Q.1: 2. Informal and analytical. A) Descriptive to analytical. attitude towards the reader, subject, or a character. While tone stems from the author, mood can be attributed to the reader. H. sympathetic. The tone of a story is always described using an adjective. The passage implies that unlike hurricanes, tornadoes are not given human names because (A) there are too many of them (B) their destruction is not as great as that of hurricanes (C) they last too short a time (D) they move too erratically to be plotted (E) they can appear in any area of the world C. Objective to narrative. The author's tone can be witty, dreary, warm, playful, outraged, neutral, polished, wistful, reserved, and on and on. D. Superficial and capricious. Such were the . By the end of the play, however, the tone enters a more hopeful register as the characters resolve their conflicts and look to the future. Throughout this story, the author references periods of time in order to. Carefully reread the passage write an essay describing the tone bradbury for cheap critical analysis essay ghostwriter for hire for mba A central goal here is in the service we have to include or refer to local developments, this has a centre. c. admiring. Throughout the passage, the narrator refers to Miss Spivey's 1938 class as "we" and "us" and describes interactions between Miss Spivey and her students as a firsthand observer, indicating that the narrator was a member of this 1938 class. B. argumentative. B. C. Contemplative and conciliatory. Attitude of the reader toward what they are reading about. A. logical and calculated. a. funny. Questions 34-43. Is committed to developing his skills as a writer. Th e passage as a whole can best be described as: (A) an objective report (B) an impassioned proposal (C) a detached description (D) an allusive refl ection (E) an allegorical narrative. Unseen Passage with Multiple Choice Questions is the new pattern for classes 9-12. 2. Be careful not to confuse diction with tone—the tone throughout Heart of Darkness can be described as eerie, melancholic, or dark, but these words do not describe diction. Example Question #1 : Tone, Audience, And Point Of View In Natural Science Passages. C. desperate and intellectual. A toll that used to cost $1.50 will now cost $2.03. Quiz Flashcard. The speaker's tone in this passage can best be described as A. bright and informative B. angry and reckless C. amusing and nonchalant D. thought-provoking and satiric E. bitter and arrogant. From this sentence of the passage, we can say that the tone of the author can be best described as being sarcastic. Questions and Answers. Q. Alonzo winked at his mother's shocked gaze and with a smile he said, "sausage and pepperoni . It can be inferred from the passage that, above all else, the writer values: (A) tradition (B) honor (C) independence (D) law (E) religion Anyone can understand the confusion ancient traders experienced trying to market their goods without a common standard of measurement. 1. In fact, the administration has not been mentioned in the passage. B. 3) According to the author, e-books… The statement that "the deficiencies of his own wardrobe were a chapter by themselves" (lines 49 and 50) serves to C. offensive. ACT reading practice test 2. Because the brain's response to stimuli is reduced and not blocked, we can still respond to danger.&quot; The tone of the passage above can be described as: a) subjective b) cautionary c) objective d) cynical 3) &quot;Americans are considered to be mall addicts, and this addiction is accused of increasing anti-social behavior. c) humorous. 2) The tone of the author can best be described as… a) shrewd. Ungraded . rational by presenting the argument for independence using logical progression of ideas. The trumpet melody in the following excerpt can be best described as: (:03) disjunct. Overall, the tone of the passage can BEST be described as. G. critical. The tone in the final books of the poem are optimistic, and also serious, underscoring the sense that the gods are controlling the action and Odysseus is fated for victory over the suitors, whose deaths are inevitable. The reader can determine the speaker is regretful because of the following phrases: I wished I could take them back, I didn't mean to hurt Keith's feelings, and he certainly doesn't deserve to be treated so poorly.Try again! 27. d) pathetic. Refer to the call of the wild to answer the question. An author's style is the particular way he uses language to reflect his unique authorial voice. 1. So, students of all the classes must practise unseen passages beforehand to score good marks in language subjects. TEXT 2. The tone of this passage can be described as ____. The tone of this passage can be described as A. assured. SOCIAL SCIENCE: This passage is adapted from the article "Information Stupor . Tone is the writer's attitude. 6 There is no one That can be better Because you are brilliant. 30 seconds. We are all aware that class 10th unseen passages carry 20 marks. the author's attitude toward the subject he/she is writing about. The speaker in the passage can best be described as a person who. Grace 16th November 2016. A. Rome in the time of the emperors. Joan jogged down the path with Rex at her side and smiled about last night's victory. J. frightened. mall and hang out." The tone in the passage above can best be described as: a) subjective. the tone of the article can be best described as.. straightforward as the author explains the rivalry between hamilton and jefferson. the overall mood or feeling in a story. The tone of this passage can be best described as. The author isn't "pleading," "adamant," "condemning," or "withdrawn." the passage can best be described as. Reflective (Frederick Douglass) The first two paragraphs of the passage contain all of the following except. Also read: Weightage of Reading Comprehension in CAT. After reading a passage, choose the best answer to each question and fill in the corresponding oval on your answer document. The direction of the following melody can be best described as: (:05) Downward at first and then static. B. Bologna in the . 4) "As a young student in middle school, malls provided me with much more than. Answers: 1 Show answers Another question on English. The writer says, "He seemed to see us only as automatic tip machines." The tone of this sentence is a. very serious. The principal tone of the passage can best be described as: F. nostalgic. The tone of this excerpt can be best described as _____. b) incredulous. The overall tone of the passage can best be described as: A. one of absolute despondency over the manner in which the United States administration has handled the Iraq situation. Rather, they characterize the feelings that are evoked as a result of diction and imagery. Adapted from "Feathers of Sea Birds and Wild Fowl for Bedding" from The Utility of Birds by Edward Forbush (ed. English, 21.06.2019 17:00, brendacauani12345. Reading comprehension is an integral part of any competitive examination.It involves interpreting sentences and finding out the answers to questions that are based on the passages. c) condescending. Before she dies of a heart attack, Louise Mallard has realized that she is free from the oppressive grip . d. critical, or finds fault. C. offen… kakerr54 kakerr54 04/14/2020 English Middle School answered Select the correct answer. Therefore, the narrator of the passage can best be described as one of Example - Sometimes I need what only you can provide: your absence. Joe and Sam decide not to take the highway _____ they could drive through back roads. Pertanyaan. The melodic material in the following excerpt can be best described as having: (:13) Mixed melodic directions with a transitional character 1. 7 Responses to "In Writing, Tone Is the Author's Attitude" money on July 03, 2011 6:55 pm. Compared to the tone of Passage A, the tone of Passage B is more…. You can expect an author's tone to . b) useless. 4. D. Sarcastically critical to suggestive. Craig Jacobs on July 05, 2011 11:27 am. An author's style is the particular way he uses language to reflect his unique authorial voice. Tone can best described as. d) authoritative. Hence , the correct answer is "sarcastic" . sarcastic <p>funny</p> alternatives <p>regretful</p> <p>admiring</p> <p>sarcastic</p> Tags: Question 2 . Read the following poem carefully before you choose your answers. 2. Somehow, it was hotter then: a black dog suffered on a summer's day; bony mules hitched to Hoover carts flicked flies in the sweltering shade of the live oaks on the square. justify the narrator's lack of timeliness. Imagine trying to sell grain in Egypt by the basket without having any comparison to make as to the basket's weight or volume. Sestina. The tone of the passage can be described as . In the passage, the author's overall attitude toward Bentham can best be described as (A) grudgingly appreciative (B) cleverly nonjudgmental (C) bitterly disillusioned (D) viciously sarcastic (E) essentially negative 1. September rain falls on the house. The tone of any given passage is the author's emotion or feeling, usually towards his subject. The tone of this poem can best be described as — A carefree B optimistic C self-righteous D regretful 6 STAAR English II Reading 2011 Release Released Test Questions The author begins a new stanza in line 6 most likely to indicate a shift from — A the distant past to the immediate future B literal language to figurative language C 2 The tone of the passage can best be described as…. Read the following passage carefully before you choose your answers. d. sarcastic. 14 Questions Show answers. 6. The speaker's tone in the passage can best be described as which of the following? The tone of the short story "The Story of an Hour" by Kate Chopin is hopeful and confident. the tone of this passage can be described as a. lamenting. The tone of Morgan's speech to his tutor (lines 45 and 46) can best be described as (A) apathetic (B) bitter (C) teasing (D) exasperated (E) self-righteous 18. Allusion (Frederick Douglass) The primary mode of composition of paragraph two is. This is conveyed by Poe's use of a vulture as a figurative comparison and the violent imagery associated with the remaining wording. As Lincoln begins the speech, he refers to the founding fathers and references the founding . 1) In this passage, the tone of the author can best be described as. The author of this passage has created a tone that can be described as a. intimate b. sensationalist c. outspoken d. obsequious The notion of women as property is also reflected in some Old Testament views regarding prostitution and rape. 1) As used in paragraph 1, it can be inferred that "relics," "has-beens, old-timers, antiques, fossils" are all words that describe something… a) ancient. The Committee claims to need the money because of budget troubles. D) Sarcastically critical to suggestive. attitude of the reader toward what they are reading about. The tone of this passage reveals that the narrator fears and is distressed by the old man's eye. What does stanton accuse men of in this excerpt from the declaration of sentiments . B. lamenting. English, 22.06.2019 00:20. 15)Tone of the Author as expressed in the passage can be best described. Unseen Passage with Multiple Choice Questions for 2022. C. compassionate. B. B. Because each woman belonged to a man, rape was essentially theft. The tone here is emphatic and emotional. The end of the poem is the most bloody, violent, and unrestrained, with the action related in an unapologetic tone. from "Letter from Birmingham Jail" by Martin Luther King, Jr. How To write a tone analysis essay Tone refers to the attitude of a writer toward the subject he is writing about. This passage is taken from a twentieth-century book. Tone can be best described as: A. The questions come in the usual form like: Given below are the points, we should keep in mind while solving . b. assured. In one scene, Alonso speaks solemnly as he mourns his son's . B. Sarcastically humorous. The tone of the passage is a common question that is asked in the Reading Comprehension (RC) of the CAT. ei, thanks for this very information article about writing… . A pleading tone is one where the author begs the reader to adopt his or her position. 1) A. C. affectionate. An argumentative tone is one where the author writes in opposition to a different viewpoint. The TONE of the passage is _____ The author's _____ relays the tone. C. formal and pedantic. c. plain and factual. Google Docs < /a > 33 passages: RC passages - Questions... < /a > the:... This very Information article about writing… a writer in opposition to a different viewpoint: 1 Show answers on,! Last night & # x27 ; s style is the most bloody,,! Men in the passage of measurement passages carry 20 marks do Because you are unbeatable, speaks!... < /a > the tone of the excerpt above can best be described as… from... Son & # x27 ; s ordeal one that can be described as < /a > the of. 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the tone of this passage can be described as